If you visit your dentist due to a problem with your tooth, your dentist may recommend treatment with a dental crown. This ceramic cap will cover a damaged tooth, rebuilding its structure and appearance while providing protection from further harm.
You can find relief from many uncomfortable dental symptoms with a crown. But you might not realize just how versatile this treatment can be. Read on to find five ways that dental crowns will improve the health and look of your teeth.
How Do Dental Crowns Restore Your Smile?
Replace Weakened Tooth Enamel
Enamel refers to the hard outer layer of your tooth. It protects the vulnerable pulp and interior of your teeth, ensuring plaque and bacteria do not hurt your smile.
While enamel is durable, it can erode over time, due to consuming acidic substances, poor oral hygiene, or other factors. Once gone, the enamel will not regrow on its own. This can mean your teeth will be in danger of external threats.
Your dentist can replace thinned or damaged tooth enamel by covering the tooth with a dental crown. The ceramic material provides thorough and effective protection to serve as a substitute for the weakened enamel. It will keep your smile safe.
Repair Tooth Breakage
Though your teeth endure wear and tear regularly without issue, immense pressure could cause a tooth to chip, crack, or fracture. These injuries not only disrupt the look of your smile, but they could put your oral health in danger.
A crack can deepen over time, so you should seek prompt treatment for this tooth breakage. Your dentist can cover the damage with a dental crown, restoring its structure and appearance. The seal with dental cement makes sure that harmful particles will not access your tooth via these vulnerable areas.
Treat Severe Tooth Decay
Cavities, early stages of tooth decay, can be treated by drilling away the damaged part of the tooth and filling the resulting holes with resin. However, more severe instances of decay require more drilling, and a dental filling might not provide enough protection for this treatment. In these cases, a dentist may place a crown over the tooth instead, which will shield a larger area of the tooth’s surface.
Cover Severe Tooth Discoloration
If you notice stains, yellowing, dullness, or other discoloration in your tooth, you may ask your dentist about cosmetic dental solutions to brighten your tooth color. However, your dentist can also use a dental crown to give you a whiter-looking smile.
A dentist builds a crown on a customized basis, meaning they create a color, size, and shape that will suit each patient’s unique smile. This means they can make a crown that will enhance a patient’s tooth color, helping them achieve their smile aesthetic goals.
Support Other Dental Work
Dental crowns offer great restorative treatment on their own. But these fixtures can support other dental work as well. A crown can serve as a prosthetic tooth atop a dental implant, for instance. They can also cover and preserve a tooth at the conclusion of root canal therapy. Learn more when you schedule an appointment with your dentist.